You who are our strength,
you who are our salvation:

We have known your presence and we have doubted it. We have known pain and we have known delight. We have known peace and we have known fear. Through it all, we confess: your steadfast love endures forever.

You who are our sanctuary,
you who are our foundation:

Our hearts soar to consider your wonder, even as they falter in the knowledge of violence. Your body is wounded by hatred’s rage and power’s injustice. We bless those who reveal your holiness, scars and all.

You who are our beginning,
you who are our fulfillment:

We seek life and healing. We yearn for mercy and the world’s release from sin. Let these be marvelous to us in the confidence of faith. Let them be manifest to your glory in our living of every day.

Our God and our Gladness,
amen and amen.

Rachel G. Hackenberg‘s book with co-author Martha Spong, Denial Is My Spiritual Practice (and Other Failures of Faith), searches for faith through life’s trials. Rachel has also written Writing to God and Sacred Pause.

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