We had a few nominations, so I’ll share those with you all, and then close with a thought about Wednesday in Holy Week, and an invitation.

Mitch shares about the littlest usher in his church, or, as he says, a “Protestant altar boy.”

1-4 Grace shares a little something to bring a smile…

Lorna’s been to see a thought-provoking play and reading and thinking about waiting. Such an appropriate theme for the week…

and Rachel at SwanDive is sharing this week the beautiful and heartbreaking story of how her mom went missing. Lord, we remember and honor Anne Elizabeth White, whose birthday was on Good Friday. May she rest in eternal peace, and let light perpetual shine upon her. The first installment is here.


From In The Agora:

“Holy Week – Wednesday: “Some scholars will dispute the precise days
certain events occurred in the Holy Week, in part due to differences in
calendars. Some believe that Judas agreed to betray Jesus on Wednesday,
rather than Tuesday evening. Some even believe that Jesus was actually
crucified on Wednesday. Nevertheless, the most convincing traditions call
this “Silent Wednesday” because the Bible tells us very little about Jesus’
actions on this day. In the Catholic tradition, this is also called Dark
Wednesday or the Wednesday of Darkness, to underscore the loneliness of

“Luke does say that, “each day Jesus was teaching at the Temple…and
all the people came early in the morning to hear him.” Presumably Jesus
stayed in Bethany, where He had been before.”

I have been struggling greatly this year with the Stations of the Cross. For some of you, they are as second nature as showing up for church; for some, they are entirely unheard of. I fall in the low middle somewhere…I am a “cradle Episcopalian” but was raised in a very “low church” diocese. The church I belong to now is the first in my denomination where I have ever seen Stations displayed, much less participated in the service.

I find walking the stations to be exceptionally moving and even overwhelming, and it encapsulates Holy Week amazingly. I will be going tonight, and I wish I could take you all with me. Failing that, though…

Even if it is an entirely foreign concept to you, I invite you to visit my church’s virtual Stations of the Cross. Take some quiet time and ponder the mystery of Christ’s death and passion in this most Holy of all Weeks.

If you wish, share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Pax vobiscum.

15 thoughts on “Wednesday Not-Festival

  1. SO, thanks for asking! Versicle is the first part of a two part responsorial prayer. It goes, Versicle, then Response. Wiki sez: “A versicle is the first half of one of a set of preces, said or sung by an officiant or cantor and answered with a said or sung response by the congregation or choir. For example, in the following opening of the Anglican service of Evening Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer, the first line is the versicle and the second is the response.V: O Lord, open thou our lips R: And our mouth shall show forth thy praise.”NB this is one of the very first verse things I learned by heart. I was three.


  2. Oh, I’m thinking about preparing the way of the Lord on my desk, and about Barack Obama’s speech. (sounds like the Lord is coming on my desk. but you know what I mean.)


  3. popped in to see the link – and it’s wonderful. I’m going to visit there -more leisurely tomorrow and Friday. Thank you so much for letting us visit 🙂


  4. Thank you for this Mary Beth, I love the Stations of the Cross and will try to visit Walsingham next week and walk the stations there!I offer a reflection on the : Pieta


  5. I had no experience with the Stations in my younger days…then previous church had turned the stations into an Icon, from which they were so deeply connected with the previous rector and his piety and ministry that I could not do them…except once in Lent on Good Friday…this year I am doing the stations with our kids, in the new church. It is their primary Holy Week experience followed by the coloring of Easter Eggs and pizza…so. Thank you for this viritual stations.


  6. Thank you Mary Beth. My denomination does not have a strong history of walking the stations of the cross, so I’m a bit of a rookie that way. Your church web site was so helpful to me today – thanks.


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