Oil lamps in Leshan, China

Pentecost will be celebrated in churches using the western church calendar this week.  Around the ring there are a variety of resources to help with your preparation and reflection.

Rachel Hackenberg writes ‘On Birthdays and Pentecost’ and wonders whether “Pentecost-as-birthday emboldens the Church toward change”.

Jan Richardson offers images and words about the fire of Pentecost.  She writes about Pentecost after burying her husband’s ashes:

There is such a finality to ashes—ashes to ashes, dust to dust, after all. Yet Pentecost arrives to remind us that ashes do not have the final word, and that fire does not come only to consume. It comes also to bless, to call, to inspire, to give to us what we could never begin to imagine on our own.

Alicia Davis Porterfield considers Pentecost from the kitchen table and the possibility that being able to speak “sports-speak” just might be a gift of the Spirit.

Kristin reflects on this week’s RCL Gospel passage, inviting us to “revel in the promise of renewal that God offers”.

Janet Hunt engages us with the dry bones of the Ezekiel text which is an option in the RCL for Pentecost Sunday.

Casey compiles some resources for us over at Faith and Wonder, and offers suggestions for engagement in word and image.

Mindi has published her resources for Pentecost Sunday including a Call to Worship, and prayers of confession and assurance.

Natalie Sims offers here usual comprehensive review of music options for the lectionary texts.

And as always you can check out the lectionary resources on this site: find this week’s RCL reflections here and Narrative lectionary here.  

If you have published resources for Pentecost on your blog, please add the link in the comments.

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