advent-2-2I pulled up last month’s second Friday Festival and discovered that, while I had posted it the night before, I don’t think that I ever actually saw it.  According to my phone, my step-mother called at about 9:15 am on Friday morning and cried out, “Robin!  Your father is dying!”   She was trying, frantically, to find his end-of-life paperwork, as EMTs were at the house doing exactly what he did not want.  In fact, he was already gone, so he himself was not suffering their intrusive thrusting and pounding.  Thanks be to God.

That experience means that the first post I came across this week was particularly meaningful to me, and perhaps to others for whom Advent is, first, a time of loss, as Beth Richardson mediates upon the death of her father.

In addition, many RevGals are writing about Advent practices and searches:

Joy Freeman offers her thoughts on the anticipatory preparation of Advent.

Laurie Brock writes about God’s Advent presence in darkness.

Kristin Berkey-Abbott ponders keeping an open space, a good practice for Advent and all times.

Michelle Francl, too, is looking for the light dwelling among us.

And finally, Rachel Hackenberg is writing beautifully compelling and mysterious Advent poems.  Just read and pray with them all. 

Be sure to add your own links in the comments!



Rev. Robin Craig is a PC(USA) pastor serving an ELCA congregation in Bay Village, Ohio. She is also a spiritual director, a contributor to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit, and a blogger at


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