
Wild Creator,
From the earth dust
you formed us,
bone and blood, sinew and muscles,
heart and mind and soul.
You took a chance, making us in your image.
Perhaps you knew what a risk that was, perhaps not.
What’s amazing, is that to this day, in all of our imperfectness, You know us as beloved.

When we find ourselves wandering through chaos,
or challenged in the wilderness,
You journey with us.

When we are lured by the glitter of power and attention,
You discern with us.

When we are choked by the weeds,
hungry and thirsty and exhausted,
You  will come to us.

We come to You now,
Laying all of our burdens at your feet.

We come to You now,
Lifting to your arms all of our gratitudes.

We offer our prayers in the name of You,
Wild Creator,
Dearest Redeemer,
and Fierce Spirit,


Rev. Karla Miller is Minister for Community Life at Old North Church Marblehead, which is on the North Shore of Boston.  She is a contributor to the RevGalBlogPal’s book, There is a Woman in the  Pulpit.
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