
Beautiful Holy,
Everlasting is your Song,
Ever present is your Silence,
Everywhere is your Being,
whether we realize it or not,
You Are.

At the breaking of this day,
We offer our thanksgiving
for all of who You are,
and for all the signs of Life:
Musical birdsong and raging traffic,
a howling dog and children chortling,
even crabby families that gather at table with Cheerios and toast.
Life in all its ordinary,
is beyond blessing.

We offer prayers today,
in the midst of our ordinary,
for all the suffering in our world~~
for neighbors who are hungry and afraid and dying,
for children tormented and alone,
for our earth home, ravaged by disrespect and disregard.

We offer to you the cares and concerns of our hearts,
in the silence of community:
(silent pause)

Gather us up to your Heart;
We know you will bear our burdens as we share them…
Lighten our loads,
so we are freed to carry your gospel
into the ordinary of our days,
to be your light and justice and love.

In the name of Christ, our brother, we pray.

The Rev. Karla Jean Miller is Minister for Community Life at Old North Church UCC in Marblehead, MA, where in the summer they worship at lighthouse on a rocky beach. She is a contributor the RevGal book, “There’s a Woman in the Pulpit.”

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