How is it going? I am currently writing my sermon after a week of vacation. Actually, I’m still on vacation, but writing for Sunday, you know how that goes sometimes. To me this is a very 11th Hour Preacher situation to be in.

I am currently looking at the RCL text and thinking of how important rejecting evil is, and conversely how Peter must have felt to be told that he is a stumbling block. I’m drinking tea and catching up on my prayers for Texas. Can one catch up on praying? I’m also readingabout Bangladesh, India, Nepal and the flooding that is happening there.


How do we think on divine vs. earthly things? When we witness terrible flooding, how is prayer possible and helpful. What does Psalm 26 add to all this? How do I speak openly about how we are our own stumbling blocks? How do we address that in prayer and deed? Can we avoid hypocrisy? The Psalmist says it as if it is easy, and then there’s Peter blundering on, as I sometimes feel like we all do.

So where are you in the texts this week? Are you struggling through floods and the world? Are you preparing to go back into the Narrative Lectionary cycle? Are their personal or local church issues that are weighing on you today? Hopefully we can plot a sermon together.

Katy Stenta is a solo pastor at a tiny church that is bigger on the inside in Albany, NY for over six years. When she is not dreaming up projects and ideas, some of which creep into the church, she plays with her three boys-boys or goes and visits her husband at the library, while he works, to read.

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8 thoughts on “11th Hour Preacher Party

  1. this week i am off lectionary, preaching on communion; and next week we move to the NL. a few ideas floating around, and telling a story about remembering.


  2. tomorrow i will tell the story: Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge
    By Mem Fox, about a small boy who helps an old lady remember, and we will share in communion.
    sermon is finished, Around the Table of the Lord and i am about to make a cuppa, then off to bed. blessings ion those beginning your Saturday.


  3. This will be my first Sunday at my 8-month internship site – a small Ecumenical congregation (an amalgamation of the United Church of Canada, Presbyterian Church of Canada, Anglican Church of Canada, and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada). In the 4 days since I arrived in the community, I am seeing some strengths (a gifted, committed group of lay leaders) as well as some weaknesses (they really seem to be in survival mode).

    Preaching tomorrow on the RCL Exodus text and using Moses as a model for the mission of the church – being barefoot and vulnerable before God, listening to what God is calling us to, and then going where God sends us trusting that God will be with us. I’m looking forward to discovering what piece of God’s mission this little church is called to!

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  4. I am scheduled to preach these next two Sundays, after taking a couple Sundays off for my eyes to refocus following eye surgery. It’s not going particularly well. I cancelled surgery on the second eye until I know the first eye will heal well. I can’t focus well and can’t read without assistance. My clergy hubby will fill in for me, although he hasn’t accepted any preaching “gigs” since we retired two years ago. I still enjoy leading worship and preaching and very often am back in the pulpit. Except for now… I’m disappointed and frustrated. Awaiting healing and a clear path forward.


    1. I have a sense of that frustration. I had eye surgery just before Christmas one year and it was weeks and weeks until things settled down. I was able to read – as long as the font was about 28. Same thing happened when I had the second surgery. I am reminded of that every I come across a bulletin, prayers or sermon from those Sundays. Prayers for healing.

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