
The Sabbath rest of Holy Saturday is not for us this year.
If only we shared the Marys’ ignorance of what the dawn will bring,
we could spend today in the deep rest of grief.
But we have already heard the startling commands: “Go.” “Tell.”
And, despite our alarm, despite our terror and amazement, we have said: “Yes.”

Who knew that going and telling would involve special music and children’s times;
Greek syntax and bulletin copies; Christ candles and Easter lilies (or some non-allergenic alternative)?
Who knew that going and telling would mean we too are up before dawn,
preparing words instead of spices—for the anointing of those we love?

In these holy days, God, grant us faithful words.
Grant us on-time musicians.
Grant us tables full of beautiful flowers—that don’t set off any sneezing fits.
Grant us sufficient rest in the midst.
And grant us—always–the terror and amazement of your call and our “yes.”


Rev. Joanna Harader serves as pastor of Peace Mennonite Church in Lawrence, KS. She blogs at SpaciousFaith.com.

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