Photo by Karen Kilty, Director of Children’s Ministry at Old North Church UCC.

Holy Healer,
Give us the courage to stretch our hand
to touch your garment of healing.
No matter how we have been judged,
or how we judge ourselves,
help us to know that You long to listen to our stories,
and you long to know our truth. 

Merciful Border Crosser,
Move us to places where we are uncomfortable, so that all of your children might know your mercy, your grace, your healing.
May we end up in places that need your understanding,
May we wander upon roads that need your Word.

Remind us that it only takes just a touch~~
just a touch of compassion,
just a touch of daring,
just a touch of heart,
to receive your Power
so that we might participate in the healing of one another and this world.

For the sake of Love we pray, Amen. 

Rev. Karla Miller is Minster of Community Life at Old North Church UCC in Marblehead, MA.

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