Photo by Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagán-Banks

It is a new day
A new month
Heading towards a new season

A time for starting—again
Back to school
Back to church
Back to You—God

Lead us and guide us
Surround us and protect us
Pull us and compel us
Into inspired learning
Away from colonized teaching
Free to give and take
Permission to question and reject
Courage to take in and embrace

Thank you, God, of summer and fall
For walking with us in each season, each day, each moment

Thank you, God, of love and new beginnings
For speaking life and freedom and possibility into all of our days

We receive all of these blessings with gratitude and joy
We will proclaim them in our living and in our engaging with one another today


Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagán-Banks is a womanist freedom fighter, minister, teacher, and learner and is committed to the liberation of oppressed peoples, building power and creating community. She lives in Chicago with her spouse, three children and eight grandchildren (!) and currently serves as executive director of A Just Harvest, pastor at San Lucas UCC and Namasté UCC, and adjunct professor at McCormick Theological Seminary.

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