
There are some really interesting options in the RCL passages this week –  What’s in a name, in Hosea; Restoration and forgiveness in Psalm 85; What happens when a community forgets God in Genesis; Building on Christ’s foundation in Colossians and Teach us to pray in the gospel. Richness and diversity on a plate.

What are you going with this week? Rachael offers some great prompts in her Lectionary  blog post from earlier in the week. Perhaps unsurprisingly, all of these options speak into our global and local predicaments with a message of hope and promise reminding us of the faithfulness of God as well as the call on us to be in community with God and with each other, actively engaged in the world, not hiding behind locked doors.

we’d love to hear what you’re doing with these texts – or any others you feel called to preach on. We can encourage one another to speak those words of hope in our communities around the world. Please share what you have and ask for what you need in the comments as, together with the Holy Spirit, we speak God’s word into being.


Rev Liz Crumlish is a Presbyterian minister living on the west coast of Scotland. She is a member of the RevGalBlogPals Board, writes for Spill the Beans, blogs at Journalling and contributed to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit.


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15 thoughts on “11th Hour Preacher Party: Teach us to pray

  1. I’m working on linking “Our Father”–the One whose name is above all names and yet relates to us as parent, and my favorite translation of the last verse, “Save us in the time of trial.” The One who calls us family walks with us into whatever life tosses at us. We are never alone, and never need be afraid.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Going off lectionary the next four weeks to do a Broadway-themed sermon series. We’re kicking off with Dear Evan Hansen this week, and using the passage about blind Bartemaeus to focus on how no one deserves to be forgotten, and will be found, through the love of Jesus. Crossed fingers the A/V technology doesn’t go wacky.

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    1. Ooooo I want to come hear you! Will there be a way to read/hear the sermons after? Also I am filing this idea away for the future as it definitely sounds like something right up my alley.


  3. For those tacking the Luke passage, Matt Skinner has the “Dear Working Preacher” article this week, and it’s lovely. A great paragraph (which I am quoting in full in my sermon):

    “It’s a very personal, intimate thing, one’s prayer life. Getting started at praying is less like learning how to drive a car, how to play the banjo, or even how to preach. For most, it is more like learning how to kiss. You learn some by watching others do it. You should be discerning about whom you will allow to teach you. You certainly make mistakes. And maybe you always worry deep in your head that you might be doing it wrong.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’ve just been to a 90th birthday party, so I have plenty of cake and other delicious snacks to share to help us along. Hoping the Holy Spirit is making her rounds, inspiring sermon prep.

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  5. First, for the virtual table, let me offer an abundance of fresh herbs – parsley, thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, lavender, cilantro, chives, basil… and some very sweet little cherry tomatoes from our garden.
    I’ve somehow preached this Luke passage three times without actually addressing the first four verses (The Prayer!) in any detail. So here we go. I may or may not have spent too much time and energy exploring the grammar, but those verb tenses fascinate me. Mostly though, I’m struck by the way this passage begins and ends in the same place … calling the Creator of All Things my parent. https://wp.me/p2U45T-uX


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