
Holy One,

We feel it deep in our bones, this sadness and pain, the tears of the broken-hearted, the silent worries.

We hear the cries for justice, the shouts of anger, the cries too deep for words.

We wonder, how long?
We question, why not?
We mourn, not again!

And we know, deep within, that you welcomed the burden, the tears, the cries, the questions. You bear it with us. You Called us to walk these lonely places, to hold these all in our hearts, and wait. And pray. And breathe.

Ruach, Holy Wind, pour out on us the fresh Breath of hope and peace and resurrection once again…


Rev. Deborah Vaughn is a hospice chaplain endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists. She blogs at An Unfinished Symphony and was a contributor to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She is an avid Buckeye fan down to her scarlet-painted toes!

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