Somehow it’s the middle of the day on Saturday in Scotland…and that means it’s already past Sunday worship Down Under, so we know that we can do it, because Sunday has already successfully come!

Now, don’t panic. But it’s Baptism of the Lord Sunday for those following the RCL. And it’s Mark 2 for those following the NL—the best story in the whole gospel, with the friends who carry their friend to Jesus.

What are you up to this week? Share your ideas and thoughts and snacks here!

Teri Peterson is a minister in the Church of Scotland. She lives along the beautiful Firth of Clyde, where there’s a bit of family drama today but there is a fluffy cat, so that’s all right. She is co-author of Who’s Got Time: spirituality for a busy generation, a board member of RevGalBlogPals, and a contributor to There’s A Woman in the Pulpit.

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11 thoughts on “11th Hour Preacher Party: BoL etc

  1. I have no idea why the Narrative Lectionary doesn’t mark Baptism of the Lord, (or Epiphany, for that matter) so I’m taking texts out of order. We’re back to the beginning of Mark this week.

    I think I’m going to combine the importance of getting God’s voice into the world (“You’re my beloved child, in whom I’m well pleased”) with the calling of the disciples part. Maybe the disciples answered Jesus so quickly because in him they understood what it is to be loved. Maybe they wanted to join in that work too.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi All, I am playing tag team with Teri while she sorts out her family drama.
    Over here in Scotland it is now close to evening, the sun is down and my mind is drifting to dinner thoughts and wondering if I am ever going to find the ending to my sermon.
    Baptism of the Lord – Jesus getting dunked by his cousin. I am also using a renewal of Baptismal Vows wit my congregation, which is a first for me, and I’m pretty excited!
    I have left over soup from lunch – squash and carrot with ginger and chilli!


  3. I’m sitting here wondering what kind of children’s story we could use (3-9 year olds) for Baptism of Christ, with a prop or two? Our tradition teaches believer’s baptism as adult baptism in the dunking mode. Ideas? Thank you!


  4. I’m preaching at two services with lots of kids, so interactive and short is the order of the day. If this goes where I’m planning, I’ll start by asking people about what they have to do that’s hard, and then from there to thinking about what makes hard things a little easier. Segue to Jesus having lots of hard stuff ahead of him, and that hearing & knowing he’s God’s beloved might’ve helped. The same for us: we criticize and doubt ourselves so often, and knowing deep in our hearts that God loves us abundantly and without exception makes life a little easier. That’s the general idea; now I need to pin it down!
    Plenty of post-Christmas chocolate to share here, plus some ham & bean soup, depending on what you’re hankering for 🙂


  5. I’m jumping back to Christmas 1 (baptism next Sunday) in order to address congregational request for consideration of opioid crisis. It’s barely outlined, but parallels are popping up all over. Congregation is tiny and elderly, but this may finally be the catalyst that will open us to serious discernment of how we can be God’s hands, feet, and heart in this little semi-rural Community, with a middle school across the street from the church.


  6. Just occurred to me, in line with what I was thinking earlier, that God says God is pleased with Jesus before Jesus has really done much anything. Another point in the “God simply loves us because we are” corner, such a reassuring place to be.


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