The road is long, Lord,
and we are weary.
We have journeyed to this place
from different locations
along different roads
for different reasons.
Yet here we are,
standing at the well …
asking for water …
hardly knowing what it is we seek …
or from whom we seek it.
Many of us are alone here,
coming when no one else is around,
because of social distancing …
some by choice
and others by directive.
We are fearful of our neighbors,
and they are fearful of us.
We are judging what we do not know,
and we are being judged.
Our anxiety is high.
Hear our prayers, O God.|
You know everything about us.
Be present with those in isolation, we pray.
Comfort those who are grieving.
Strengthen the weak.
Support the healers.
Give food to those who will be without access,
and Living Water to all,
that we might be good stewards of our individual
and communal health
in every possible way.
Lord, in your great mercy,
hear our prayers
for wholeness
for the whole world.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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