Breathing in,
I know I am breathing,
lungs full,
ready to speak,
to shout.

Bless my breathing out,
the words my breath will carry.

Breathing in,
I feel my ribs expanding,
I am in my body,
my living body,

Bless my breathing out,
the rooting down to stand.

Breathing in
I feel my belly moving,
my core active,
ready to move.

Bless my breathing out,
the actions I will move into.

Holy Breath of God,
bless me
that my breathing might bring freedom to breathe
to my siblings all over the world:
breath robbed by Covid-19,
breath robbed by violence,
breath robbed by racism.

May I speak,
May I stand,
May I move,
for justice and peace,
for life and health,
this day and all days. Amen.


Jemma Allen is a priest of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and primarily expresses that vocation as a counsellor and spiritual director.

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