For the love of You, I confess that I no longer know how to pray. I do not have the energy even to sigh. I couldn’t even decide where to start.

Photo by Lum3n on

I sit. I focus on relaxing my hands in an open position.

I try to let my shoulders fall away from my ears.

My brain is both chaotic and empty, exhausted.

For now this will have to be enough.

You know how it is intended.


The Reverend Julia Seymour serves Big Timber Lutheran Church (ELCA)  in Big Timber, MT. She blogs at and She contributed to There’s A Woman in the Pulpit and is President of the board of RevGalBlogPals, Inc.

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One thought on “Friday Prayer

  1. Thank you for this post. Your “realness” helped me realize I am not the only clergy feeling this way. Last night it was my turn to ask for blessing upon our dinner and I found myself at a loss for words. I don’t feel “angry” at God, just don’t know what to ask anymore. There are so many needs for so many people. However, this is when I realize it is most important to listen. One of my very favorite scriptures, “Be still and know that I am God” resonates right now. Again, thank you for your words of encouragement.
    Peace, Louise

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