Be present, Great Shepherd,
Reconciler, and Redeemer,
with the one who has gone astray
and cannot seem to find the way
who is stuck in sin
and does not see it,
or sees it,
but cannot find the path
to wholeness.
Open our eyes when we are confronted
with the effects of our sinfulness,
and help us to see where we have caused pain
and division,
fracturing relationship
and creating havoc in your church.

Be present, Great Shepherd,
Reconciler, and Redeemer,
with the one who has suffered at another’s hands,
who has been hurt by angry words
or broken promises
or thoughtless — and even irresponsible — behavior.
Hold their pain for them,
and comfort them in their distress.
We know how great this request is, God, but
still we ask, on behalf of your people, that you
guide them, prayerfully, toward healing restoration.
Instill in them a sense of gentleness and mercy
and a desire — however great the evil —
to overcome evil with good,

Be present, Great Shepherd,
Reconciler, and Redeedmer,
in and among us,
around and within us,
over us and under us,
and help us learn to
one to another,
even when it is uncomfortable,
even when we disagree,
even when it requires painful truth-telling …
open our ears
and our hearts
to listen.
Teach us how to be fully present
in our relationships with you
and with members of our community
in such a way that your love
is tangible
to all.

In Jesus’ name we ask it.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Prayer: in sinfulness and in reconciliation

  1. What do you tell a person who lives everyday knowing there are thousands of people who would like to see them dead or enslaved via a race riot with plans and tools to carry it out. Simply because of hate and the color of their skin. Nothing seems to help.


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