Source of All Greatness-

As we ponder all things for which we are thankful, I can’t help but hear the little grouch in my soul… the Grinch-like energy that wants to drag me away from the positive moments of 2020.

Allow me to have my grumpy moments, God. This has been a difficult year filled with adapting and rescheduling and distance from loved ones. I’m grieving the moments that didn’t happen, the trips not taken and hugs not given.

And as I remember the tough stuff, I’ll see the bits of beauty shining through. Thank you for the gifts of grace that accompanied the rougher days.


The Rev. Michelle L. Torigian is the Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois. Her essay “Always a Pastor, Never the Bride” was in the RevGalBlogPals book There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She also has chapters in the books Sacred Habits: The Rise of the Creative Clergy and A Child Laughs: Prayers for Justice and Hope. Torigian blogs at

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