O God, as I hear Mary sing her song this Advent, I wonder what songs have been silenced in us.  Which ones of us have been told we’re not worthy of singing?  Shushed for gender, skin color, lack of wealth, or any other excuse? 

And, what songs have been silenced in me?  Where have I tamped down rage or pain or unseemly hope?  Where have I made my song too quiet and too small?

Mighty God, this Advent, create space for all of our songs to burst out, and to be heard. 

May we sing with energy, free of shame, exulting in your plans for us. 

May we hear the range of songs around us, and find your good news in each melody. Amen.

Mary Austin is the pastor of Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church, a multi-cultural church in the Washington, DC area. The image above is via Pexels, by Papa Yaw.

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