God,  I give you thanks
for the people in my life who cannot see,
including my mother and father,
who teach me to listen,
smell and taste and feel
every alive surface of the world,

and for friends who cannot hear
and make an orchestra
from all the other senses.

I pray for patience with those
who use “see” to mean understand,
“vision” for a future dream,
“blind” for sinful,
and a host of language
that subtly denies vibrant living
to those with hearing loss,
mobility concerns,
or cognitive disabilities.

As I dedicate my new large print Bible,
so bold and beautiful, next to its
pocket-sized sibling,
I pray in gratitude for all assistive devices –
white canes, Braille, tactile paving,
speaking traffic lights,
support animals of all kinds, walkers,
hearing aids, closed captioning.

Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
that saved one soul like me.
I once was lost and now am found,
was bound but now I’m free.



Maren C. Tirabassi’s newest book is “Christmas Eve at the Epsom Circle McDonald’s and Other Poems” and she blogs at http://giftsinopenands@wordpress.com/ She’s a UCC, US, pastor and a writer and lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.


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4 thoughts on “Saturday Prayer, January 31, 2021

  1. As the mother of a deaf and developmentally differently-abled daughter, and as a former Braille tutor for a young man whose eyesight was almost gone, I appreciate this prayer and your heart!


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