Dear God,bread-3935952_1920
A year ago I write a Maundy Thursday prayer
when we were just learning
how to shelter in place,
how to worship in place.
I did not imagine that we would still be learning:
about hybrid worship,
about how to clean the church to Covid-standards between services,
about public health and epidemiology.

So this day,
as we remember the meal you shared with your friends,
we remember all the meals eaten alone this last year,
all the celebrations postponed or erased from the calendar.
As we remember your washing of feet,
we remember all the acts of service by essential workers:
the doctors and nurses and care assistants and janitors working in our hospitals
and medical clinics;
those who moved freight, and sold us groceries, and kept producing the food;
the plumbers and electricians and engineers who kept us in power and clean water;
the scientists and lab techs who worked on vaccines.

Whatever it is that we do today to remember you,
whether we do it in a place where we can safely gather,
or in our homes as we await that safety,
we pray that you will help us to do it in memory of you:

in memory of your love,
in memory of your service,
in memory of your living and dying and rising.


Jemma Allen is a priest of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and primarily expresses that vocation as a counsellor and spiritual director.

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