random love sign at the Boston Women’s March in January


Oh dear God,
The sun is starting to fade into dusk
ever so slightly,
and the day has been long for countless people
that I don’t even know of,
and it continues to be longer for even more.

And my heart breaks with Yours
that they don’t know how beloved and precious they are.

I pray for the young mother with little children,
a wreck from the death of her husband from suicide
months ago, the suffering multiplying every day.

I pray for the other young mother,
homeless, trying to stay sober,
just dying to see her toddler,
but can’t because of a restraining order.

I pray for people
so angry and broken
that all they can do is
break everyone around them.

I pray for harried judges,
stressed out parents,
sullen sisters and brothers,

for those who weep.
For everyone weeping right now,
O God, wrap them up. Somehow, wrap them up.

In your mercy, I pray,

Rev. Karla Miller is Minister for Community Life at Old North Church, UCC in Marblehead, MA.  She is a contributor to the RevGal book, “There’s a Woman in the Pulpit.”

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