
Whoah, God,
My head is swimming with notes and details and new beginnings
and settling and everything else in between.

Give me breath.
Remind me, to rest in moments, to be all here now,
and to let go when I need to just shelf things
and listen to Mary Chapin Carpenter and Rhiannon Giddens
while I lace up my shoes for a walk, even if it is just around a block.
Or four.

What richness in this day, in this hour, in this moment.
I am beyond grateful, with a healthy dose of trepidation.
You are my Source, THE Source, the weight and the center and the lightness.
Thank you.  Amen.

Rev. Karla Jean Miller is pastor of the The First Congregational Church UCC in Hendersonville, NC, which is located in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains in Western North Carolina.  Today is her second day on the job, so…..

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