Hello Pals~~
Random Friday Five is back!

1. If you could sneak away anywhere this weekend, right now, all expenses paid,
where would you go and what would you do?

2. What is for lunch today? (one of the very first FF I ever played asked this.)

3. Along that first-FF-I-ever-played theme, what are you wearing today?

4. Along the Today Theme, what are you doing today?

5. Along the random theme, what is your favorite scent, and why?

Have fun playing! Link to your blog, play in the comments, or play on Facebook!
Love and joy to you~~

34 thoughts on “Friday Five: Random is back!

  1. Well, since my new blog is in work (not ready for prime time), I’ll just answer here.
    1. Lake Junaluska. All my Western Conference friends tell me how great it is, and I’d like a few days in the mountains.
    2. Toasted cheese sandwich (sharp cheddar) and tomato basil soup.
    3. blue print hawaiian shirt, blue denim skirt, Teva trail sandals–today is a desk day, I can get away with being comfortable.
    4.Today I’m finishing my sermon, making some phone calls for a group I’m organizing, calling the funeral home about a funeral on Sunday, and cleaning off my desk (mess stresses me).
    5. Favorite scent–roses, the ones that smell a bit like raspberries. Ah….


    1. I love the scent of roses too. I am happy I have some on my desk right now! Lake Junaleska is a lovely place, I hope you get to go soon!


  2. 1. There is a ranch out west called Ring Lake when a favorite musician was going to be there and my husband and I were supposed to go because we had gotten a scholarship, but ultimately couldn’t go for health reasons and expensive plane fare. I would like to go there and experience horseback riding. Or someplace in the Redwood Forest to see the trees. I haven’t seen much of the United States and have never been West.
    2. PB+J
    3.Right now, PJ’s, but will be changing for work. Will wear something that makes me feel good about myself…maybe a dress, ’cause I may get called to hospital today.
    4. Installation service planning…sermon…maybe coloring later
    5. Since my husband’s death, I often wear his cologne…and this scrumptious perfume that I got at Chartres…but not at the same time!


    1. The Redwood Forest is on my bucket list. I really want to see those giant trees. One can never go wrong with a PBJ! Coloring as spiritual practice? I am curious! Love that you have your husbands cologne…a lovely and visceral way to grieve, honor….thinking of you, and thanks for playing.


  3. Up early and already working this morning. I like these random questions!

    1. Somewhere by the ocean…I was at St Pete Beach for a conference in August and part of me is still there walking on the beach at sunrise. I’d enjoy indulging in shrimp cocktails, fish tacos and grouper sandwiches! A massage and pedicure would be wonderful…and sitting for hours in the beach cabana with a mojito and a good book.

    2. Homegrown tomatoes – sliced over cottage cheese with a pinch of salt.

    3. Shorts and a t-shirt until 4pm when I will change into a Santa Fe skirt and blouse made with random strips of purple fabrics and my cowgirl boots!

    4. Finishing the sermon on Moses and the burning bush – who am I, who are you, God…it’s all about integrity. And then I’ll be going square dancing!

    5. The scent of large bodies of water! Can’t really describe it, but I can begin to smell it when I’m miles away. As a child I spent time every summer in a cottage near Port Clinton on Lake Erie. That’s where I learned how to do many things: swim, sit on the beach for hours, fish for perch, clean the perch, eat the perch, and cheat at Go Fish (thanks to my older brother and family friend, Jack and Jill…yea that’s their names!). I suppose that’s where I learned to discern the air heavy with humidity, the scent of fish and plankton, and anticipation of what the water would offer. Sandlewood is nice, too.


    1. Ahh, more homegrown tomatoes. I love the scent of tomatoes from the gar dent, too! Your 4pm outfit sounds like you are going to have some fun! I also love the smell of large bodies of water–the humid-sometimes faintly stinky-sandy salty whiff….


  4. I could use a short weekend anywhere with my beloved!, heck I’d be happy to just stay home if we could both be in the same place at the same time.
    Lunch today is a yogurt and a farm stand fresh peach.
    Wearing khaki jeans and a turtleneck with denim jacket, it turned cold here this week :D- fall is my favorite season.
    Sermonating, is there anything else to do on friday????
    The smell of lemons- so clean so fresh so citrusy- ahhh


    1. Thanks for playing! I get that–being in the same place at the same time with one’s beloved. Challenging. Lemon smell, of course. Good luck on sermonating!


  5. 1. I would go to a tropical beach anywhere. With sun, sun, sun. Although I love fall, I am not ready for it and I am grieving the passing of summer.
    2. Lunch today is out with a friend. I am hungry now, so I am sure that in 2.5 hours I will be ravenous. Maybe a lobster roll for a treat.
    3. Cargo skirt, sleeveless t-shirt in a beige and white tie-dye pattern. With a wool sweater instead of cotton because it is cold out. And sandals. Toes tip it Snows!!
    4. I am doing office administriva things. Not preaching on Sunday, so have some time to do all that other stuff. And lunch. Lunch with my friend. Maybe I will have crab cakes. Or fish tacos. Did I mention that I am hungry?
    5. So many smells-scents I love. Lavender. Bergamot. Lemongrass. Roses. Bread baking. Ocean. Caramel-apple spice candles. Fresh baked cookies. Bread baking. Mown grass. Sheets that have been hung on the line to dry. Wood burning in a fireplace. (o.k., I will stop now.)


  6. 1. If you could sneak away anywhere this weekend, right now, all expenses paid,
    where would you go and what would you do?
    A retreat center – one that is now closed, but remains important in my memories. I would go and do a lot of nothing, walking and be quiet.

    2. What is for lunch today? (one of the very first FF I ever played asked this.) Willow Tree (big here in RI/Mass.) chicken salad sandwich + sugarsnaps + tootsie rolls

    3. Along that first-FF-I-ever-played theme, what are you wearing today? Red, white and blue – for no patriotic reason, it was the first thing my eyes landed on this morning in my closet.

    4. Along the Today Theme, what are you doing today? Continuing in my hospital chaplain role – trying to stay present and listening.

    5. Along the random theme, what is your favorite scent, and why? In perfumes, Beautiful by Estee Lauder. In life, magnolias and gardenias and new babies.


  7. New thought for #1 above: Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. A truly wonderful place that is not closed and still important in my memories. For all the reasons listed above + the incredible, indescribable vistas!


  8. 1. I would love to be on a balmy a ocean shore; love Kauai!
    2. Lunch : hmmm not sure; have some vanilla yogurt and fresh raspberries; sounds good about now.
    3. In comfy shorts, shirt and tennis shoes
    4. Like many others — “sermonating” — thinking about forgiveness and all the nerves that touches as we think and talk about it
    5. Favorite scents: lilacs, apples baking, fresh oranges

    Thanks for the break! playing was fun


  9. Playing here today:

    1. If you could sneak away anywhere this weekend, right now, all expenses paid,
    where would you go and what would you do?

    My parents’ cottage on the lake. Just relax and look at the water.

    2. What is for lunch today? (one of the very first FF I ever played asked this.)

    No lunch for me today.

    3. Along that first-FF-I-ever-played theme, what are you wearing today?

    Pink top, denim skirt, hand brace for my sprained hand, walking boot for my broken foot

    4. Along the Today Theme, what are you doing today?

    Working my same job I’ve been at for 24 years, answering support calls

    5. Along the random theme, what is your favorite scent, and why?

    Patchouli, and I can’t tell you why. I don’t wear it, I’m not close with anyone who does, and my spouse hates it.


      1. You know I’m a motorcyclist, right?

        Among some motorcyclists, there’s an acronym: ATGATT. It stands for All The Gear All The Time. ATGATT means that even if you’re riding the motorcycle from the street into the garage, you wear boots, riding pants, riding jacket, gloves, helmet.

        While I agree in principle, I don’t always practice this. One time I did not have my overpants (with their ballistic padding in the hips and knees) and low-sided (went down bike first, me behind) when a left-turning vehicle cut me off in the rain. I ended up with a scraped knee and water-on-the-knee. There have also been times I wore street shoes instead of boots.

        I wasn’t wearing any of this gear, however, on August 25 when I fell. No helmet, jacket, gloves, boots, or riding pants.

        So I rolled my left ankle and broke my left foot, falling on my right hand and injuring it (they thought broken at first, just sprained) and bruising myself all over.

        While stepping off the porch on my way to the car to drive to work.

        So maybe I should take ATGATT more seriously and just wear it everywhere.

        It would look odd in worship.


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