Pentecost is this weekend. It’s one of my congregation’s favorite church days, and they like to decorate boldly. We make Pentecost a “season” because we never want to take down the decorations.

Southminster Presbyterian in Boise, a few Pentecosts ago

Will you celebrate the church’s ‘birthday’? Some congregations have birthday parties, where people bring gifts of paper towels, copy paper, coffee, or other supplies the church can use during the year.

In the US, this weekend is also Moms’ Demand Action “Wear Orange” day, so our congregation will be wearing orange as well as pentecost red.

The Narrative Lectionary post for this week is here. And the RCL post is here.

My son is on a plane to China at the moment, so I’m going to be writing my sermon while trying not to obsessively check his flight status. In real life, I’m not eating sugar or gluten (to help the inflammation in my knee), but here at the preacher party, I’ve got all the virtual carbs and sugars to share. Send me a cupcake, which is a muffin that never gave up on its dreams.

Share your insights, your liturgies, your questions, your ideas for children’s time, and let’s get the preacher party started! Come, Holy Spirit!

Decorations are underway for this weekend!

Marci Auld Glass is the pastor of Southminster Presbyterian Church and lives with her husband and sons in Boise, Idaho. She is a graduate of Trinity University and Columbia Theological Seminary. She serves on the boards of the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood, Covenant Network,  and the Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church USA. Marci blogs at Glass Overflowing and is among the contributors to the RevGals book,There’s a Woman in the Pulpit (SkyLight Paths).

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22 thoughts on “Pentecost Preacher Party

  1. Our youngest moved to Australia 5 years ago this month and I did keep my eye on his flight status, and still do whenever he is up in the air ~ so I do understand! Love the bright bold colors of the sanctuary!!!


  2. Love the idea of having the congregation gift the church with supply type items on Pentecost. I tucking that one in the files.

    We have ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ happening on Sunday: minute for mission from a young women who will be starting in the Young Adult Volunteer program (PCUSA), receiving the confirmation class into membership, installation of the Presbyterian Women officers (yes, they always do that on this Sunday…picking my battles) and communion. What can I say in 27 words!!!!!!


    1. We’re installing officers, but I installed the PW on Wednesday. I noticed the installation service was written for a worship service with the congregation, so I suspect you aren’t alone.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Egg shakers are distributed to the congregation – the when the words Holy Spirit are said the people shake the eggs creating a sound of wind… on a hot summer day! A revitalizing congregation in transition


  4. Needing some inspiration and coherence – need to record my sermon on Sunday for a committee. Also, using my phone to record – small church, no recording equipment. Good apps to use????


  5. Very grateful that I can count on our super gifted altar guild to come up with amazing sanctuary decoration and on our musicians to do their magic — after 2 weeks of the crud I am feeling so worn down that I can only hope that my half-baked Pentecost sermon will reach three-quarters sometime tomorrow. I’m making use of everything I’ve read this week on the importance of hearing, and not just speaking. Happy Pentecost!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Saturday morning.
    I have an outline I wrote on Tuesday – which uses the ‘types of people’ described in the Joel prophecy as quoted by Peter in the Acts passage.
    We have Street Pastors in our congregation, (they patrol streets between hours of 11p to 4a)and a couple of them are helping in worship and talking about how they responded to the Spirit’s prompting.
    I have a quote from my father (we don’t need Pentecost to happen again – the Spirit is here – we just need to listen and respond)
    and one from Catherine of Sienna (be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire)
    I have helium for red and gold balloons – which I haven’t quite worked out how to use yet
    and I have a title – “To the ends of the earth #2” (part 1 was last week)

    on the TV downstairs I can hear the pomp and ceremony of the Queen’s Birthday Parade…
    my kitchen is full of lovely fruit and healthy stuff…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s morning in the US. My son is safely in China. And the cough I’ve had this week that has been a minor annoyance now appears to be some dread disease. I still feel okay, other than when I’m coughing up a lung. My voice is compromised. And worship is tonight. Come, Holy Spirit, come!


  8. I love the cupcake comment! I’ll bring blueberries to the party; a year so we planed 2 bushes in big pots, and they’ve produce abundant fruit.
    I, too, have been battling a cold this week; I’m tired and crabby and not in a Pentecost mood. I’m doing our service that requires a sermon that’s highly engaging for all ages…any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That video is so sweet! And I love your idea for using it.
        I suddenly found my path: three interactive stations. The advantage is that I don’t have to come up with very many words 😉 This service is short, with many people not all that familiar with the stories of our Christian tradition, so my focus is on the elements of the Pentecost story; I’ll figure out a way to tie in the “So what’s it mean for me?” in some way.
        In general (in case anyone else is looking for ideas):
        1. The word “peace” in a variety of languages on cards…try saying them to someone else. I’ll have extra cards for people to add other languages. I have a beautiful poster with handprint doves and peace written in many languages, so I’ll put that up at this station.
        2. Making folded paper flames, very simple. I’ll figure out a way to display these near/on the altar.
        3. A collection of rhythm instruments for making sounds like a mighty wind. I’ll put some sort of reflection question about how such a strong sound makes you feel.
        Each one will include a line from the Acts story to make clear the connection.


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