sunbeam-2761911_640As the light pierces the morning, may it likewise pierce our hearts with love.
Love for the stranger,
love for the neighbor,
love for the wounded soul spewing hate,
love for the weary souls resisting the destructive forces let loose in the world.

As the day unfolds may our souls unfold with tenderness.
Tenderness for the grieving,
tenderness for the risk-takers,
tenderness for the traumatized,
tenderness for the seekers,
tenderness for the lonely,
tenderness for the hard of heart.

As the promise of new life calls us forth from our shadows may we respond with joy.
Joy for the life that awaits,
joy for the song that lifts our hearts,
joy for the healing that transforms what is broken,
joy for the courage that steadies our steps,
joy for the journey that connects us to one another.

Bless the offering of who we are in all of our complexity, now and always. Amen.

Anne Fraley is rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in South Windsor, CT. A life-long dog-lover, she escapes the demands of parish life volunteering for animal rescue groups. She occasionally succeeds at reviving her blog at reverent irreverence. 

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