Good morning, all! In the United States we are waking up from our annual turkey feast, a day and meal surrounded by traditions of all sorts.

One of my favorite Thanksgiving morning traditions is listening to a National Public Radio program called “Turkey Confidential,” in which Lynne Rossetto Kasper and a selection of celebrity cooks take calls from people with problems like, “I put too much cayenne in the cranberry sauce!” and get advice like, “Add a little fat, like cream, to cut that heat.” It’s folksy and amusing, and celebrity chefs join in as well. And I do it every year, so: it’s a tradition.

Waiting for us, just around the corner, is Advent, which almost all of us observe in some way…whether by that name or no, we are all preparing for the coming of the Christ.

Today’s Friday Five, following that line, is Advent Confidential. What are your favorite traditions, observances, hymns, or memories of Advent? Is there something you remember from childhood that you’d like to do again? A funny story you can share about the time the Advent wreath got a little over-lit? We are here and listening!

Play along with us, and if you do so on your own blog, let us know in the comments.




15 thoughts on “Friday Five: Advent Confidential

  1. Growing up, the first Sunday of Advent had more traditions (and in my eyes, fun) than Thanksgiving. My mother would make Danish kringle to be dipped in coffee/hot chocolate, and the tree decorations were brought out of storage and the Advent calendar hung. We would listen to Handel’s Messiah in its entirety, put up a Nativity set, and start to make ornaments and cards that I could give as gifts. I’ve kept this tradition as an adult (much to my boyfriend’s amusement) and hope to someday pass them on to children. Advent is something to celebrate and bring in with joy.


  2. Rachel, thanks for this. We are past a few saddish years when our boy moved out, and then my spouse was suffering from throat cancer treatment and its aftermath. Our decorations were minimal, if any (because it was all up to me, and I didn’t have it in me). I think, this year, I’m going for it. 🙂


  3. Jan and Muthah, WordPress uses “gravatar,” which is an avatar that can appear across applications. Go to your WordPress account, then to My Account, then “Public Profile,” then “Your Profile Photo” and scroll down. Follow the links to to make your gravatar by uploading a photo you already have on your computer.

    Hope this helps!!


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