Hi gals and pals~~

Happy Friday to you!  I don’t have a theme this week, but just a variety of questions for your writing pleasure…

1) How are you?  What’s taking up your mind-heart space these days?

2) It’s St. Patrick’s Day on Monday~~will you celebrate or give a nod to it?

3) My colleague is a voracious morning reader of blogs, online news, articles, etc.  What, besides RevGalBlogPals, do you look at frequently, if not daily?

4) I got nothin’ here.  This is a free for all.  Just tell us something!

5) Use these words in a sentence or two:    map, magazine, sing, baby sloth, knit, penguin, love, weep, mountain, and messenger bag.

Have fun!

19 thoughts on “Friday Five! Theme-less.

    1. Especially when we all know that St Patrick was likely from what is now Scotland 🙂 (My Dad is from Dumbarton, which has as good a claim to be his birthplace as a whole bunch of other places from Cornwall north.)


    2. another opp to share companionship and hospitality !
      ‘rejoicing with those who rejoice’ so to speak…
      I noticed a lot of celebrations downplayed or missing from the Scottish calendar
      when I was there and different times for celebrating others eg Mother’s Day


    1. Getting concerned now – none of my comments are publishing on wordpress sites, soooo here we go:

      I Love the einstein quote – it reminds me of the findings of a study done while I was in England.
      The findings on longevity? those who remained curious lived longer than the rest…
      keep curious!


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