From Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday stretches on–Knowing the outcome eases one’s heart but these days are long until Joy bursts forth.

How are you today as a minister, church person, believer, parent, friend, solitary. . . . ? What are your thoughts or images?

Share five and tell us in the comments section, leaving your blog address.

4 thoughts on “Good Friday Five

  1. This is a tough time of year personally, My Dad’s been gone 34 years Saturday. However, this week is also what my theology revolves around: the thanksgiving ( Eucharist means thanksgiving) of the “common union” (Communion) of the people of God. So, bittersweet. I miss the leadership role I had when I was actively pastoring a church. It was the most wonderful thing to help congregations heal when I was interim: building the bridges of trust that were broken or undermined from the situation that brought the need for an interim in the first place. Communion brings out the best in a parish ( yea, it can bring out the worst too). You know the old saw that we don’t fight when we are earing.

    Easter, not so much. My spouse is a Quaker, so every Sunday (First Day) is Easter, which is also how I was brought up as a New England Congregationalist. Pentecost and Reformation Sunday are big ones for me, along with Confirmation Sunday when we “disnmiss” the godparents from their true duty. That is such an amazing part of the ceremony. Baptisms, Weddings and funerals go without saying.

    Blessed Holy Weekend to all and “May the Lord bless and keep you, make His face to shine upin you and be gracious unto you and keep you (w)hol(l)y…”


  2. I just got an email from the warden of the parish I have served all of lent telling me why they can’t pay me. I am trying to not let this break my concentration from the day at hand.


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