Expulsion of Ishmael and his Mother ~ Gustave Dore (Public Domain)
Expulsion of Ishmael and his Mother ~ Gustave Dore (Public Domain)

Holy One,

We pray for the wanderers.
We have been among them,
seeking your path,
wondering where to turn next.
Like the Hebrew people of old,
we find ourselves in the wilderness.
How will we survive?

We pray for the discarded.
We have been among them,
not chosen for the team,
left behind by the friends,
rejected by the one we loved.
Like Hagar with her child,
we have wondered how we will live.
Where will we find a way to quench our thirst?

We pray for the lost.
We have been among them,
unsure of our direction,
unwilling to ask for assistance,
or unable to find a guide.
Like the Israelites,
lost for 40 years,
we need your law of love to lead us.

We pray for the restored.
We have been among them,
at long last welcomed
in the place for which we longed,
secure in our identity
as your beloved children.
When we come into your home,
let us share our joy
tempered by the knowledge
that we would be nowhere
without your grace and mercy.

Grant that grace and mercy to us continually, we pray. Amen.

6 thoughts on “Sunday Prayer

  1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer. In this prayer reflecting a difficult story you have captured the pain of life and the grace that restores us.


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