Happy International Happiness Day!  According to my amazing brother-in-law it is International Happiness Day, I hope you enjoy this happy hump day!

As usual there is a lot of great reading to do in the RGBPsphere.

Sunday’s Child invites us to reflect on the often overlooked Luke 22:14-46 as we enter Holy Week.  She asks two important questions–I don’t want to steal her thunder so go check it out!

a church for starving artists has an important 2 part post that began with concern regarding pastoral salaries and small churches which evolved into a longer conversation/post about size, finances, and capabilities.  Whether you are preaching or sitting in the pews these two posts and their comments are worth your time and consideration.  Then scroll down for an interesting post on successful (but crazy) women.

Sally at Eternal Echoes has shared her thoughts on this week’s lectionary–it’s quite beautiful.  While you’re there scroll down for some spiritual nourishment in the form of poetry.  We are blessed that Sally regularly shares her writing with the world.

If you’re looking for a good read check out Bonnie’s Books as she has two recommendations!

In hopes of posting in a timely manner that’s all I have for you today!  I KNOW there are many more insightful good reads, so won’t you share your favorites with us? Post what’s going on in your neck of the RGBPsphere in the comments!

One thought on “Wednesday Festival

  1. Revhipchick, I'm just now reading this post because I had TWO close friends in the same hospital yesterday having/recovering from surgery — and I was trying to be in two places at once, running errands for one friend and sitting with the husband of the other while she was in surgery. I cannot (yet) actually recommend either of the books I mentioned yesterday in my Library Loot post, as they are books I checked out of the library and have not yet read. One is an award-winning YA (young adult) novel that others have recommended to me, and the other book claims evolution is a spiritual subject as well as a scientific subject.


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