Readings for this Sunday, the second week of Lent can be found here.

Genesis follows up last week’s covenant with Noah to share the covenant with Abraham.

The Romans passage gives us Paul’s interpretation of Abraham’s covenant in light of Jesus.

Psalm 22 is most famous for the “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” opening. The lectionary this week, however, gives us the end of that psalm. “For he did not despise or abhor the affliction of the afflicted; he did not hide his face from me, but heard when I cried to him.”

And one of the gospel readings from Mark is the Transfiguration. The other has Peter responding to Jesus’ news about what the Son of Man will undergo. Mark is all about Jesus’ identity in both of these passages–who do you say that I am?

Resources from the Text this Week are here.

Do you know where your lectionary is leaning?

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

Got a good idea for a time with the children with these texts?

11 thoughts on “RCL Tuesday Leanings: Who do you say that I am?

  1. I’m working on the spin edition sermon. Paul spins Abraham’s faith (never wavers? As in never decides to do it with the slave-girl instead?Yeah, right); Peter wants to spin Jesus’ story (takes him aside and rebukes him: “don’t say that, you’ll frighten the horses”). Both were to an extent “ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation”: working on how we spin the gospel, the story of God in our lives, not trusting it to be enough. Brian Williams and Bill O-Reilly may make cameo appearances.


    1. Lots of spinning in these texts!
      I love Paul, but I have always thought that if I did exegesis in seminary the way Paul does exegesis with Abraham and the Law, I would have failed.


  2. What if you replace the word “life” in the Gospel reading with the word “church”?

    Those who want to save their church will lose it, and those who lose their church for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.

    The disciples had to change or die. And so must we as a church today. Is that a reasonable interpretation of the passage? I’m sure it can preach… just want to make sure it’s a faithful perspective rather than me just getting up on my soapbox again…


    1. Ooh that’s brilliant. Thank you. I am still at the ‘drafting’ stage but we’re looking at something along the lines of ‘what is OUR response to God’s covenant of love?’ ‘What does it mean to follow me?’


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