The world gets inside my head sometimes. More than I would like. And I am angry.

God, where are you? And how is it we have strayed so far from your radical word?

“Love one another, as I have loved you.”

When women are grabbed and their bodies assaulted because the world have told men that they are property.

When women who enjoy sex are compared to said men because they actually don’t know the difference between consent and not.

When I worry about my beautiful 8 year old hearing comments like “I’ll be dating her in 10 years”.

When I worry about my African-American boyfriend leaving the house and driving a few hours for work simply because “one bad cop” might pull him over.

When my Asian-American friends are yelled at on a consistent basis “go back to China” even though they may or may not be Chinese and some of their families immigrated to the US before my “white” family did.

God #thisis2016 help us. Please, Lord, we need you.

I pray in your name with tears, heartache and righteousness anger. Amen.

The Reverend Shannon Meacham is the mother of two exhausting children Maggie and Gus, and she currently serves Ashland Presbyterian Church in the safest part of Baltimore, the suburbs. You can find her musings about any and all subjects on her personal blog

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