In the fog of Discernment

Holy One,
Some of us wait in the fog of Discernment
with all the possibilities,
all of the pitfalls,
and all of our questions.
We are seeking the right direction
from You,
and are not sure that we even know
when we will know that we know
what we should do.

We need your clear guidance,
your strong hand,
your reassurance,
your wisdom,
and most of all,
the courage to stand up
and follow You when it is time.

Thank you for speaking
your truth and your love
into our hearts.
Give us the courage we need
to walk in conviction
when our time of discernment
is finished.

and Amen.

Rev. Deborah Vaughn is a hospice chaplain endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists, and Assistant Minister at Twinbrook Baptist Church in Rockville, MD. She blogs at An Unfinished Symphony and was a contributor to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She is an avid Buckeye fan down to her scarlet-painted toes!

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