Hello, all! It’s the end of January…how did that get by so fast!? Here’s a Friday Five for your amusement and our edification. If you play, please be sure to paste the URL of your blog post in the comments. Or, you can just play right here in the comments. Onward:

  1. Besides cookies, muffins, and ice cream, what’s something chocolate chips are good in?
  2. Besides official holidays and your birthday, what’s the best day of the year?
  3. Besides toilet paper and pantry items, what’s something in your house you make sure never to run out of?
  4. Besides relatives, teachers, and coaches, who gave you the most memorable advice growing up?
  5. Besides junk mail, subscriptions, greeting cards, and stuff you ordered online, what’s something great that came in the mail recently?


(large thanks to Friday 5 for this set of questions!)

16 thoughts on “Friday Five: Besides

  1. Response from a non-blogger.
    1. Chili (this is a Cincinnati thing)
    2. Octobe 17 (the day the hormones threw in the towel 🙂
    3. Dog food
    4. My grandmother on my mother’s side
    5. An insurance matter that decided in my favor (for once)


  2. 1. Chocolate chips…in my hand!
    2. Best Day…when I win the lottery! 🙂
    3. See #1
    4. Most memorable advice…When I was in Vet School, Dr. Carnahan was one of the large animal professors. He was gruff and called a spade a spade. After returning from potential interviews with clinics the students would wax how wonderful it was, how nice everyone was etc. Dr. C said, “Hell…even I can be nice for one day!” That has stuck with me.
    5. Amazon order


  3. 1. Trail mix or rice krispie squares
    2. a real Sabbath day with no work, no deadlines (the Sabbath of vacation)
    3. Stamps
    4. Not advice exactly– but a social worker who asked me what I most wanted to do– as a result of that conversation, I applied to be an exchange student in Sweden..it changed my life. The people who have influenced my life the most have been a gentle listening/encouraging presence, and often they don’t even know how incredibly helpful they’ve been…Also Mr. M., the owner of a restaurant where I worked as a teen, told us that if you are willing to push a broom, you will go far. (And that is truth…)
    5. A lovely thank you card for a “gumby” that I gave someone as a symbolic gesture and a postcard from another RevGal…


  4. 1. I am a true chocoholic. I put chocolate in my morning coffee ( got to have a mocha!) and chocolate chips in my hot oatmeal with brown sugar. Just like an oatmeal cookie without the flour!
    2. A sunny spring day!
    3. Chocolate and coffee!
    4. The husband of a couple I baby-sat for years for when I was in high school. He was also my pastor, but he was one of the first to treat me as a young adult.
    5. Payment from my parents’ long-term care insurance company!


  5. 1. Popping them in my granddaughter’s mouth!
    2. The best day of the year is the day I can open the windows for the first time of the year and let the house breathe.
    3. Toothpaste
    4. This one is difficult because every one is a relative or teacher. So here we go with one from my time in CPE when I was “growing up” as a pastor. During a 24 hour on-call at the hospital: a nurse who said, “Don’t stand too close to that patient” who then promptly vomited on my shoes.
    5. A letter from my youngest granddaughter asking if I missed her because she missed me a whole bunch!


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