
Today’s selections start with three sets of observations on transitions from challenge and heartache to triumph and satisfaction, and conclude with two nature reflections.  I suppose that the connection has to do with my own life: a winter filled with challenges, one of which has been The Broken Ankle Adventure, and another of which has been three months of unfulfilled (until today) longing for the oiut-of-doors.  Wherever you are on the spectrum of life, I hope that you find something here to touch and inspire you in the days ahead.

Katie Mulligan of Inside/Outed writes a meditation on Psalm 91 in “Awkward and Clumsy and Stupid and Old,” about the movement from “It was awful” to “It was beautiful” when we try new things.

I think this might be another awful-to-beautiful post: “Still Asking: Does This Pulpit Make My Butt Look Big? (Either Way, It’s Fine)” by Jan Edmiston in achurchforstarvingartists and featuring a picture of the original RevGals mug.

And another one, from Clever Title’s Teri , who writes about “Feeling, Thinking, and Love” here.

“Strange and Quickened Dust” by Sister Sarah in her Excellent Adventure simply made me happy; beautiful all the way.  It’s filled with photos from a birding adventure.  I’m not sure where she was, but she had a rather remarkable day for a first time birder.

And finally, “Getting My Peace On” in Jane’s Journey is a lovely, gentle meditation on a day in nature ~ something like an extended Mary Oliver poem.

Enjoy!  And please do add your own link if there’s something you’d like to bring to our attention.

(Image: “Dark and Light,” Robin Craig)

One thought on “It’s the Wednesday Festival!

  1. Dear Robin – thank you for this wonderful collection of writing. I feel companioned on the way by these sisters and friends, including (of course) you.

    Blessed beyond measure!


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