labyrinth croppedThis week, several of our RevGal bloggers have been considering the nature of present-day prophecy and the ways we remain connected to God as the source of our being. Here are a few of their thoughts.

Prophets for Our Day

We frequently quote the Old testament prophets in our preaching, teaching, and praying. And we sometimes wish for those strong prophetic voices in our time. Snarky Anglican, posting in …for the innumerable benefits, reminds us that today’s prophetic voices may come in some very unexpected forms.

If prophecy sounds more like complaining, we may wish to change the subject, rather than talking a subject to death. Jan Edmiston, writing in A Church for Starving Artists, invites us to consider the benefits of talking something to actual death.

Pondering Our Connection with God

In Bonnie’s Books …and Clawdia’s Shenanigans, Bonnie Jacobs reminds us that tomorrow is World Labyrinth Day. She points out some of the labyrinths available in her area (St. Louis, Missouri, USA) and invites us to find a labyrinth and “Walk as One at 1PM.”

For those moments when we would like to turn down the volume on the world, Joy Freemen offers a poetic reflection on the interrelationship of noise, quiet, and silence in her blog, Chaplainhood.

In her blog, Faith, Grace, and Hope, Pastor Julia invites us to think in tangible (and yummy!) ways about how closely we are connected to the people whose names we read in the New Testament. Her exercise with M&Ms or Skittles is a good antidote for the idea that everything in the Bible is in the realm of “Long Ago and Far Away.”

Linda Rhinehart began a reflection on poetry as prayer this week in her blog Speaking of Spirit. Her post was split over two days because the birth of a grandchild interrupted her writing. What a delightful reason to post a “to be continued” sign on her blog. And the photo of Linda holding her newest grandchild is nothing short of poetry in its own way.

Michelle Henrichs, writing at Life in the Labyrinth, shares her Five Minute Friday reflection on the word of the week: adapt. She thinks about the distinctions between conforming and transformation in some really helpful ways.

And one more, is it prophecy or pondering? Or maybe a little bit of both?

Purging our “stuff” is both a physical and a spiritual process, as Ruth Hetland considers in her blog Ruth E. Hetland. Perhaps I was drawn to her post today because the entire basement of my rental townhouse looks like a labyrinth path through the worlds biggest storage unit.

These are just a few of over 300 blogs by members of the RevGalBlogPals blogging community. When you are on our website, look for the big red-bordered button labeled Our RevGals Blogging Community. That will lead you to the full list of blogs, over 100 of them with new posts this week. As you visit some of those sites, please leave a Like or a comment, so the bloggers will know that you have been there.

Barbara Bruneau is a retired Lutheran pastor, living in southeastern Minnesota and currently serving in interim ministry. She is a knitter, a weaver, and a very occasional blogger at An Explosion of Texture and Color.

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