How my cat feels about my need to write a sermon…

I’m not sure where May went, but it’s the beginning of June, everyone! And this Sunday might be, for some, Ascension Sunday…or for others, the 7th Sunday of Easter…or for others, perhaps the beginning of a summer/winter series, or a wrap-up on other events (we are one week past General Assembly, for instance, or for some it might be the first weekend after school gets out, etc)…

Whatever you’re pondering regarding your proclamation this week, you are welcome here! Pull up a chair, grab a snack, and share your ideas, whether they’re half-baked, floating away into the sky, or floundering in the font (I’m on Romans 6 with a baptism this week, can you tell?)!

Teri Peterson is a minister in the Church of Scotland. She lives along the beautiful Firth of Clyde, where Scottish Summer has come with a vengeance (aka it has rained a lot and is cloudy). She is co-author of Who’s Got Time: spirituality for a busy generation, a board member of RevGalBlogPals, and a contributor to There’s A Woman in the Pulpit.

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17 thoughts on “11th Hour Preacher Party—onward and upward

  1. I’m still in Romans with the Narrative, and it’s about to undo me.
    I have a draft. Will look at it again later. I have a high school friend visiting this weekend, so I’m more excited about that than about re-visiting the sermon draft.


  2. I hear you on where did May go! I am preaching through Acts this summer. This Sunday and next there is so many additional things going on that sermon time is next to zero. Tomorrow we are ordaining and installing deacons/elders, communion and two minute for missions. Afterwards a four hour leadership retreat for said deacons/elders. Saturday went over like a lead balloon. I guess the silver lining is that we do have a good percentage in attendance tomorrow. It will take a major chunk of energy for me and I am struggling with a cold/cough/sinus.
    Back to sermon, I am looking at Acts as a book of surprises. Tomorrow, surprise #1, the disciples do not have it all figured out. They will have to make it up as they go. I’m using the illustration Tod Bolsinger uses in his book, “Canoeing the Mountains” when Lewis and Clark reach Continental Divide just sure they will canoe down to the Pacific. Boy, were they surprised and had to adapt the whole rest of their mission. Lots of similarities for the church to consider.

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    1. In my last church we did all those things on Sunday after worship too….it definitely meant better attendance (and gave me an excuse to eat pizza, haha). I hope it all goes well!


  3. I am just back from a Presbytery Conference – reviewing our Presbytery Paln (how many churches/ how many ministers/ ministries etc) which I was not in the mood for, but as Presbytery Moderator really had to show up.
    It was surprising in a very positive way and has given me hope. It may even have given me some idea or other about where to go with a sermon.
    I am on Ascension. According to the Bulletin I confirmed on Tuesday the Sermon is called To the ends of the Earth – Part One (maybe I’m doing part 2 next week then!?!?)
    So I need to get to it…
    but perhaps just a wee cup of tea first?


    1. I cannot tell you how many times I have to go back to what I submitted to the bulletin-preparer as a sermon title. I generally send it on Monday, and by Friday have no idea whatsoever what I told her. Making a mental note now never to include the words “part one”!!!

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  4. Easter 7 for me and our annual ecumenical Garden Service–but it is supposed to rain. Comparing John’s gospel message to a giant group hug, where we are all together as one and yet rich with our diversity. Mostly done, but there is always room for finishing touches.

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  5. As it happens, there’s no children’s message tomorrow– it’s Youth Sunday! So Children and Youth are bringing the message, and ARE the message. However, if I were doing one, I think I’d actually begin by looking up, which usually prompts other people to look up, and we could start by talking about what we see up there, before moving on to why the disciples were looking up, and what those guys who were angelsplaining said. (Side note: one time I walked into the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, saw about 12 people standing around looking up, and thought, oh crap. Another bat. As it turns out, it was the Thoughtful Christian class, looking at symbols in our architecture. Way better than a bat!)

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  6. Tomorrow, we will have two special moments in worship. One, the “graduation” of two students in the four year Education for Ministry program; the other, a receiving and blessing of an outreach initiative to gather feminine hygiene products. The latter is being done in partnership with a community group called “Women and Friends Making a Difference” that emerged after the first Women’s March. A number of our parishioners participate. I’m moving in the direction of a sermon that looks at the chiding of the disciples for continuing to stare into the sky and to get on with the work Jesus has given them to do. They have some time yet for that before the Spirit descends, for worship and remembering, but ultimately, they are filled by this to carry on.
    I see the formation reflected in this “graduation” and the outreach imaged through red bags being carried to the altar as examples of our ministries that grow out of our worship and carry us forth into the world. I also want to draw some kind of comparison to staring into the sky with regular Sunday attendance without being moved to carry that love into the world.


  7. I’m working on the Paul and Silas story in Acts 16. I’m working on a link to incarceration of those seeking lawful entry at our southern border and how all our freedom is bound up together. Have had great insight form RevGalBlogPal Rachael Keefe’s blog on the text, but would love input if any one has any!


    1. Kate, are you on FB? My sister, Susanne Gilliam, is an attorney who has been volunteering with refugees, and she’s currently representing pro bono 3 detainees. I think she’s made her FB posts public, and you might find some food for thought there.


  8. I appear to be in a state of denial; I just can’t summon that sense of urgency that comes with knowing I need to have a sermon by 7:45 a.m. tomorrow. I do have half of one written, with some idea about the rest, but I keep wandering off to do other things as if finishing is of no consequence! And yet I’d like to be able to enjoy tonight’s ballgame on TV (go, Dodgers!) without guilt or impending doom.
    I spent the week pondering what it means to be one with each other and with Jesus. I’m going after the idea that it’s a statement of fact, God’s work in making us all as children of God, and not the outcome of our efforts or liking people or agreeing with them. I’m pretty sure that’s good news! Now I need to figure out what difference that makes in our lives.
    Bottom line: I’m ready for vacation, and I don’t have any coming for a few weeks, so I’m in that slightly resentful state when I’m annoyed I’m not there yet 😉


    1. Betsy – I’m have good results (I think) putting the finishing touches on my sermon WHILE watching my beloved Cubs, if that helps.


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