Sower of Seeds,
come to us.
Are you sleeping?
Do you not see
what is being sown among us?
Division and discord,
prejudice and pain,
grief and tribulation
and sorrow.
Why do you allow
such seed to take root in us?
Why do you even allow it to be sown at all?

Son of Man,
come to us.
Bring the light
that shines in the darkness.
Help us to see
where we are blinded.
Help us to understand
that which you have tried to teach us.

Prince of Peace,
inspire us to be
in a world that is sown with strife.
Grant that we may be patient and compassionate,
kind and caring,
as we look beyond the actions of those who dwell in fear
to the fear itself
and bring a healing balm of comfort
to a world that is sorely in need.

Send your angel armies, we pray,
for reinforcement
and for strength,
for we are not strong enough
to accomplish alone what you have called us here to do.
We need you,
and we need your messengers of hope
to defeat the evil that threatens to overtake us.
Hear our prayers, O God.
O Lord, in your infinite mercy,
hear our prayers.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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