In the morning, as the sun slowly rises
when the earth reveals its softer tones
of green, blue, pink
I sit quietly with the windows open
and listen. Crickets chirping,
water fowl stirring, fish poking just above
the surface of the water for a tasty bug
Splash, splash, splash.

A hummingbird flits by, I wonder
fall must be coming if the humming birds
are beginning their long migration south.

The world is complicated and God knows
we humans make it more so with our
violence and anger and greed.
I admit, I do not understand how
some people can care far more for
their own wealth than for a human being?

Where is one’s moral compass,
how does one live with one’s self?
What justifications does one debate in one’s head?
or more likely, one doesn’t even think about it,
one just hoards money and privilege as if
that will make one feel like a life well lived.

So in the morning, before the trials and tribulations
of the world take hold. I sit quietly, listening
observing, and giving thanks.


Prayer poem and photo by Terri C. Pilarski


The Rev. Terri C. Pilarski is an Episcopal priest serving a church in Dearborn, MI. She is a long time blogger ( and member of the RevGalBlogPals since 2006.

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