shine your healing light
into the darkness.
Be a beacon, we pray,
for those whose wicks
have burned dry.
Ignite new passion
in those who have grown weary
and awaken in them bright hope
for the future.

Under the cover of night,
when threats hang over your people
like a cloak
and celebrations are lowered to a whisper,
and the shuffle of feet,
encircle your people with
Go before them to lead them
and behind them to urge them onward,
and beside them to guard them,
and within them
to uplift them,
that those who would dare to come against them
will brush up against the power
of love
and be moved to join the procession.

God of Grace,
open the door to new possibilities,
to fresh starts,
to relationship forged in the struggle of commitment
and the power of covenant.
Open the door, God of Grace,
and welcome in all who seek your kin-dom —
wise and foolish,
anxious and elated,
eager and reluctant.
Open the door, God of Grace,
and restore us to wholeness in you.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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