Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,
we are mystified by your existence,
by the way you work in us and through us and around us,
and by the ways in which you respond to our cries for mercy.

We look, O God,
but far too often, we do not see you.
Our hearts are wrenched by terminal illnesses
and terrible injuries
and tragedies we cannot fathom,
the moments of our ordinary days shattered
by life-altering diagnoses and unforeseen incidents.

Show yourself to us, we pray.
Make your presence so tangible
we can reach out and touch you.
Your people need to know that you are with us
in the depths of our grief,
in the day to day struggles to function.

Heal our hearts, we pray,
and reconcile our spirits with yours
and with one another
that we may live each day to the fullest,
rejoicing in your love.

Creator God,
we celebrate your revelation to us
in all of your majestic order.
We give thanks for all that is
and for the way it displays your vast imagination
for it gives us hope that there is space for creative reimagination
to find measures that will heal all that is.

Christ, our Redeemer,
we give thanks for that through you,
every moment of our lives can be redeemed,
every sin forgiven,
every weapon turned to plow share,
every desperate cry turned to hope.

Holy Spirit,
ignite in us a passion
to live life anew
in the mystery that is the Triune God
that the lives we live in your name may be a legacy
for those who come after.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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