A dying tree being felled (cut down) by an arborist.

Holy One
When I feel cut off,
Held back,
Ripe for cutting,
And limited by my circumstances…
May I remember always
That my roots
Are in you,
That my harvest
Is from you,
That you shelter and shade me
And prepare me
For whatever is next.
I feel your presence;
I trust your guidance;
I bask in your goodness
In good times and bad.
Thank you,
Forest Watcher,
Heart Lifter,
Soul Tender,
Mighty Wind,
Tree Feller…
For Calling me to this work.
Blessed be.

Rev. Deborah Vaughn, BCC, is a chaplain endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists. She lives with her bearded spouse of many years in Maryland and currently serves as a hospice chaplain and in providing pulpit supply. She is a herder of cats, and remains a die-hard Ohio State fan. You can find more of her writing at An Unfinished Symphony.

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