procrastination 101!!

As I write, it is stupid early on Friday morning; and I am writing now because once again this week I have a stupid busy day. And once again, if I don’t do something on the “normal” task list for the week then it will get left behind.

“Normally” at least in these para pandemic, not normal but pretending days, I have a sermon in the bag and I am beginning a full day off. But this week ran away, I spent a deal of time in the emergency room, and fire fighting other people’s problems and… well a whole lot of stuff. So here I am on Friday morning with no sermon yet, but a title I am committed to (because it’s already been mailed out) and a full day ahead – which means… this week, for the very first time since March 2020 I will be sermon writing on a Saturday!!

What about you all? Are you already organised? Do you have somethng wonderful to share with your sisters who are struggling? Do you have ideas running away but not pinned down yet? Are you going off lectionary this week and reflecting on Reformation Day or All Hallows? Whether you love the RCL, or you are committed to the NL, or you have your own schedule for this season, share some of it here in the comments. Questions and ideas, frustrations and inspirations, and, if you have such a thing, a link to your blog or writing so we can share together. I will be off to this morning’s meeting in a little while (It starts at 8.00am!) but back in the mid afternoon.

To see some of the great writing and ideas shared on our blog this week you can go here for the RCL; you could try this for NL; and we also have these great starters for prayers and other Worship Words.


Julie Rennick is a Church of Scotland clergywoman, who is full time in a suburban parish, and does additonal work for both her Presbytery and the National Church. This week has been the prefect storm of all three making more demands than they should. She is also a granny and currently planning the Christmas crafts that she’s going to make for her youngest granddaughter.


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