King of kings,
we bow before you,
pledging our loyalty,
and proclaiming your name
above all others.

In a world where our allegiance
is demanded
by lesser authorities
at great cost,
we pray for your reign of peace
to break into our chaos
and reorder our priorities
toward justice
for all.

In a world where our sense of community
is defined by similarities
of class and color and creed,
we pray for your reign of hospitality
to break into our cliques
and transform our attitudes
with deep appreciation
for voices that sing
in harmony.

In a world of brokenness and sorrow,
where despair threatens
the very lifeblood of your people,
we pray for your reign of hope
to break into our consciousness
through the breath of joyful Spirit
and your self-revelation
in your wildly colorful
and imaginative
and re-energize us
for the kin-dom work
that awaits outside
our selves.

In all that we do,
and all that we say,
may the Kingship of Christ be evident
and the power of truth
be a force for good.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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