RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Conclusion

We’ve come to the final chapter and epilogue of Drew G.I. Hart’s Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism (Herald Press, 2016). In the last chapter – “Where Do We Go From Here?” – Dr. Hart suggests seven anti-racist practices for the church: Share life together – “The practice of sharing life… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 8

“The more that white people killed and displaced Native Americans, the more they sought to shackle and bring over black bodies. The presence of the original hosts of the land constituted a threat to white identity and the sense of America as a ‘white country.’” Drew G.I. Hart, Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 7

“Money, power, respect” is a fundamentally American doctrine. The LOX, in this song, merely put a black aspirational twist on an old and familiar tune. The song holds a mirror to dominant society’s internal motivations and exposes the real lure these dominant cultural values have on those within subcultures of American life. All of American… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 6

Being black is draining. Blackness continues to be described pejoratively in America. Black skin in our world has been designated as a marker for all things bad. To be a black American is to have to constantly tell yourself that you are somebody, that you are made in the image of God, that you are… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 5

You don’t normally see a lot of white people in this part of town. So of course my curiosity was piqued. The first thing I observed as I approached was that they were all wearing bright, loud, matching yellow T-shirts. They clearly didn’t want to be missed. White people were here! Drew G.I. Hart, Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 4

To break the cycle of ignorance to racism and faulty intuition, members of the dominant groups must learn to not trust their own gut, as they have been socialized outside of the life experiences of marginalized groups. Instead, they must follow our Lord, Jesus Christ, who in his own day stood in solidarity with Samaritan outcasts, vulnerable women, the… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: “Trouble I’ve Seen,” Week 3

After we discard the white, elite, Western Jesus, a human construct used for sociopolitical domination, we open ourselves up to the divine revelation of the poor, oppressed, Jewish, and ultimately crucified Messiah. And in a life of disciple ship, we will find the way that can dismantle and dis-align the racial hierarchy and order upon… Read More