This is a corner of my garage:

This weekend, our church is have a “Rummage Sale and Tea” event. The “rummage” part of course is of donated furniture, clothing, books and toys, or as some call it “Trash or Treasure.” (I think some of you call it “a jumble sale.”) The “tea” is an opportunity for those who don’t want (or shouldn’t) buy anything to still drop in and visit. It’s going to be a fun community event.

To get ready for this, I’ve been doing some sorting of things I don’t/won’t/can’t use to pass along to someone else. I also made a batch of Tea Tassies as part of the tea refreshments. All of this preparation birthed this week’s Friday Five!

Pictures are optional but make this more fun. Play along and don’t forget to post your link in the comments so that we can come and visit!

1. TREASURE: What is the best thing you’ve ever found at a rummage sale? Was it a bargain or just something you’ve longed for but couldn’t afford?

2. TRASH: What is an item you couldn’t WAIT to donate to a sale like this, and then were surprised that someone not only bought it, they were so excited to have?

3. BUDGET: How disciplined are you at these kinds of events? Can you stick to a budget, or do you empty your wallet?

4. TAKE IT AWAY: What’s something you’d gladly donate right this minute if I would just come pick it up?

5. TEA: Do you have a favorite tea? Or a special teapot? Tell us more!

BONUS: Share a recipe that you think would be divine for a tea. Or, if you aren’t a baker, tell about something scrumptious that you have had recently in the baked good category. For those of you who are now gluten-free, we want your favorite GF recipe!

14 thoughts on “Friday Five: Trash, Treasure or Tea?

  1. My father once bought an antique Native American basket at a yard sale. It was at that time (30 years ago) worth about $250. He got it for 50 cents.

    I’m an enthusiastic Freecycler (mostly offering stuff), and couldn’t believe that someone took the plastic file boxes from Daytimer.

    Pretty disciplined. I’m in an uncharacteristic “get rid of it” phase.

    No one seems to want a tall bookcase on Freecycle. Come and get it!

    Favorite tea, especially on cold or rainy days: Lapsang souchong. Any time: Caravan by Stash.


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