
I am feeling overwhelmed by all of the tragedies playing out nationally, internationally, globally and locally. I’m wondering if you are also? As pastors, we see bigger systems at play, and we have some influence over groups of people; what is our unique work to do in the midst of all of this? How do we stand firm in our faith to a Just God and hold onto hope & peace as surely as these rocks are standing in the surf?

Thank God, truly, for other RevGals who blog. Here is a collection I have found helpful in my musings this week:

“Our seminaries and denominational leaders would serve professional ministers better if we could teach/encourage/model how to build social capital.” Yes! Eric Law gets at this in his book, Holy Currency. Read Jan’s blog post here on how church leaders can be like loner gunmen and how communities of faith might be able to interrupt the cycle.

“Institutions will also be needed to provide other kinds of comfort–and courage, along with the comfort.  Our deepest ideas and ideals will be tested. “ Kristin on climate change and natural disasters.

“So this is the spiritual premise that orients my approach to self-care: not a claiming of time and space for self, as I often hear my clergy colleagues describe their reasons for & habits of self-care, but in fact a surrendering of time and space and self when I find that I can no longer play God, a laying bare before God all that cannot be risked otherwise.” If you have been following the conversation between Rachel and Carol on self-care, here is the next installment. It spoke deeply to me.

“…grief has a lot in common with knitting.” Earthchick is doing some serious writing and reflecting on her grief process after the very sudden death of her mother. It is holy reading.

“Read, learn, and discover with me what this world of laughter is all about and is it all that it’s cracked up to be.” Susan has listed 51 TED Talks about Laughter. In the midst of it all, we always hold onto hope and sometimes laughter is a harbinger of that hope.

Blessings on your Call. All seasons are tough, but we can do all things through God who strengthens us, or so I’ve heard.

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3 thoughts on “Wednesday Festival – a Pumpkin-free Zone

  1. Thanks for the shout out. The TED Talks have been a nice, quick way for me to learn more about laughter. I get too serious and need this reminder. I like that you said it reminds of us HOPE. Thanks for that insight.


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