From our RevGalBlogPals’ webring, here are a few field notes and love letters and encouragements being shared about this year’s Lenten journey:

+ “Be still. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” An Unfinished Symphony (quoting Linda Hogan’s Dwellings) remembers the faith and love of previous generations through the unique design of a stole.

+ “My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions.” CrustyBread (quoting Eartha Kitt) recalls the famous singer-actress’ life, successes and work ethic.

+ “What obstacles or barriers are we putting up that stop people from being part of the church community and experiencing God’s love?” Tea and Theology prays for inclusive hospitality in the church.

+ “I pray especially this Lent to move through my days as one who believes that the Sacred Heart is where…what is most completely human meets what is most gloriously divine.” Consider the Lilies reflects on the promise of awe and the certainty of heartache.

+ “When God has a message for us, it is often preceded by an admonition about fear. As we enter this season of prayer and self-examination, we would do well to examine how much we trust God.” Meade Musings reflects on trust and fear and faith.

+ “Pushing oneself up to and then through walls is a very very bad idea.” The Viau from Here observes the inevitability of one. more. thing. that can cause us to run into the wall of fatigue, but also finds & claims the space to rest.

photo by Michelle Torigian

+ “The hardest is to stay, still.” In beautiful poetry, Over the Water listens to nature’s silence in moments of death, and looks ahead to the silence of that night before resurrection.

How are you living this Lent? Are there quotations, reflections, writings of your own & of others that have been particularly encouraging to your Lenten journey? Add your thoughts and/or links in the comments!

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