This week I’ve been thinking about unfinished things. I have so many things started and not quite done just now.
From sewing projects to writing tasks.
From filling out my expenses to doing necessary filing and shredding.
It feels like life is in chaos.

In amongst all this chaoticness… (I know it’s not a real word, but I like it!)
In amongst all this chaoticness there is some order, and I do still have the ability to smile most days!
The real essentials are (mostly) getting done.

But still that list beckons…five projects I really want to finish.. in no particular order.

1. Sewing: I started a lent stole for myself, and two more for friends back in February when lent began. All cut out, not one finished.
2. Writing. My Spill tasks (and others) are not quite done and are now overdue. If you use Spill the Beans, you need me to get on this one!
3. Expenses. This is a no brainer. If I don’t claim I won’t get paid!
4. Filing. I cannot see my desk. Enough said!
5. Steps! I have a Fitbit. My goal is 10,000 a day. I haven’t made it even once this month. And I feel the lack!

What about you? Do you finish every task, on time, before it’s due? Do you start and put aside, or keep going? Do you need deadlines or do they freak you out?

Play in the comments below, or on your own blog, remember to post a link so we can read your thoughts and ideas.

my desk – Thursday afternoon… sigh!

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18 thoughts on “Friday Five

    1. Robin thanks for playing!! We must be twins! so many things may be Useful one day… plus even though the chances of me ever wearing my prom dress again are non-existent I do love glimpsing it when I venture into the attic (scary, scary prospect!)
      And photos… cannot decide if it is good or bad that we don’t print every one of those any longer…
      and blank journals…. can’t resist them; will write in them one day… really I will!


  1. thanks for playing!!
    I feel I must update you all on my list… prodded on by my admissions I have finished the Spill writing!! Also my expenses are now ready for the treasurer, and I manage two reports today!!

    (Now where is the darkened room….)


  2. On this particular day my list includes…
    1. Sorting through clothes which I have not worn for two years.
    2. Pictures…do I really need 5 similar photos of the glacier in Alaska?
    3. Getting my website up and going.
    4. Getting back to my morning bike ride. (I have been dealing with posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction…so a bit of trepidation for me.)
    5. Organizing my office (again).

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I could probably list five unfinished crafty things and be done with it. I have a quilt started, several crochet projects, and a couple of counted-cross-stitch pictures. One crochet project I will finish, but I just started it: It’s a baby blanket for a young couple in town who I don’t think really have anybody to make their expected little girl a handmade blanket. It’ll be pretty basic, just row after row of double crochet until it’s big enough to suit me, no color changes or fancy stitches. (That way I know I can get it done and not be bogged down in a pattern I have to pay attention to.)

    Other than that, my main unfinished thing right now is my sermon for Sunday, which I have to get done today because I’m going to a shape note singing tomorrow. So off I go to get on that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These all seem so dire! With dire consequences. So, naturally, I’m sitting in the living room, drinking OJ, watching the cats sleep, and generally getting nothing done. But I tell myself that it’s just “so far.” I’m getting around to it!
    1. TAXES – yes, I know it’s the 15th. Guess I’m about to file my 900th extension request.
    2. UNPACKING — new house, new “life,” 276 boxes, of which 22 are now unpacked. I have lost all motivation.
    3. SERMON — I’m using RCL John (I just like to torture myself) and can’t move my mind beyond the idea of our expectations of a superhero Savior. Or a “what have you done for me, lately?” exploration. Who said, “Sunday’s roll around with relentless regularity”?
    4. CHECKING BANK BALANCE — I’m scared, people.
    5. RETURNING PHONE CALLS — yep. Not a single check mark in that column.


    1. Taxes aren’t due till the 18th this year, so you have the weekend. If your taxes are complicated, you might consider a relationship with a good CPA to be a sensible investment for next year.


  5. Friday Play Devotions: Unfinished “Stuff”
    1. Taxes– filing extension today. I was just rendered “alive” again by IRS so I am not sweating this after being officially dead for 3 years due to IRS/SS mess-up when my hubby died. So– I figure I will do taxes over summer when I know that I am actually alive by accountant verification.
    2. Seeing a financial advisor. I am dreading this. It churns up too many feelings of grief. I did NOT want to be a widow. Seeing a financial advisor is such a confirmation that my hubby is dead and I am not. Yep–I know I need to do this…for sanity’s sake. And to prove that I can.
    3. Sewing a bunch of things– buttons, torn pants, stuffed animals, you name it. Everything gets torn– with two little ones around.
    4. Books: Orange is the New Black and a book on parenting…and a whole bunch of enticing books in my apartment.
    5. Cleaning out garage again, and storage. See number 2. Yet another confirmation that I am really alone and of widow status. Ugh. I went thru a bunch of things when he died and I moved…but these things are the holdouts that either don’t fit our scaled back life right now, or are connected in some way to a dream house that I can not buy…Blah.


    1. Oh Dee!
      So many layers here. Sounds like you are making the right moves and at your own pace.
      Thanks for sharing
      Prayers for you and your wee ones.


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